Super Garden returns to RTÉ for a new season, in association with Dulux Exteriors

Our first Designer, Paul Ferry from Gweedore, Co.  Donegal is an online marketing executive. Paul dreams of one day becoming a garden designer but with no horticulture experience he is entirely self-taught through watching online videos and gardening programmes on TV.

Paul is shooting for the stars to create an American desert experience in Co.Meath. Paths lead from the house to a large circular paved area where recycled cabling spools provide table & seating.  A sunken seated area provides a cosy chill out spot. The showpiece of the garden is a giant BBQ shack. With aluminium walls and saloon doors it looks perfect for cowboy cook-outs. To the left a matching shed provides storage AND support for a sleepy hammock. Paul’s positioned sandy planting beds around the garden. A water feature should provide an oasis of calm. And Paul completes his Texan landscape look with terracotta and sky blue on the walls and scattered cacti sculptures.

Paul has set up his own website under the name “Grá Gardening”, which translates to “Love Gardening”. Paul say’s “The idea is to provide practical information and inspire people on how loving your garden benefits your wellbeing”.

Paul’s paint choices: 

Terracotta - Dulux 70YR 35/332 (Back Wall and low walls)

Light Blue - Dulux 30BG/ 64/072 (Left wall)

Cuprinol - Anti-slip Decking Stain - Cedar Fall (BBQ shack floor)

Cuprinol - Garden Shades - Coastal Mist (Perimeter fence)

Cuprinol - Ducksback - Harvest Brown (BBQ shack, shed and table) 

Cuprinol - Garden Shades – Urban Slate (BBQ shack roof and table legs)

Cuprinol Wood Preserver - Clear (Reclaimed timber of shed and BBQ shack)

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